SJTU Online Payment Step-by-step Tutorial


STEP1: Enter your full name (should be the same as in your registration email) and select appropriate payment amount.
             If you are bringing a guest to the banquet, you have to pay the registration fee (1200 RMB) and the guest banquet
             fee(200 RMB) separately by following this tutorial twice.

STEP2: Select payment type
             The first two groups are mostly for domestic payers, e.g. the popular "Wechat" payment system is now supported.
             Go straight to Visa/Master/JCB/AMEX section for international payers.

STEP3: Please click the " 否 " button in the bottom in order to move on to the next step. This choice is a nuisance design
             that is irrelevant to your payment.

STEP4: Click the button circled with red box for next step.

STEP5: Double check everything (for foreign credit cards, there will be a surcharge for about 3%) and enter card info. 
             Note that the payment details will be sent via 128 bit encryption on a *secure* payment site (as seen below, if
             you land on a different page, switch to a different browser or computer and try again).

STEP6: After payment submission, it will go through the card verification process and a successful payment will redirect
             you back to the conference website with the following payment summary. 

Occasionally the payment process may fail, this is usually due to restrictions from the card issuing bank (many
banks are alert to international online transactions and regard them high risk). You might want to try a different
card if possible (before you switch, better make sure that the first card has not been charged yet), or call the bank
to get it solved.

The above Chinese phrase means "Payment failure  (error hint: signature error)" --- the error hint is actually
somewhat misleading since online payments cannot be verified by signature anyway. Indeed this is a bank
restriction problem, call your bank or change to another card.

Again, the error message ("System Error") is not very descriptive. It is similar to the case above and normally
can be solved by contacting the bank or simply switching to a different card. 

Ok, this one is very simple: "Please Contact Bank".

If you are having persistent problems with online payment and cannot solve it with your bank, please let us
know and we will help (so far we have seen ~99% success rate though).

